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How Much is First Aid Training in Ontario?

Government licensed and valid certification for First Aid and CPR/AED training are offered by many providers in Ontario, but how much is first aid training? Credible providers meet the government and legislative requirements for the province of Ontario (WSIB approved), and their certifications are valid throughout Canada. Different training providers typically offer similar certifications and these are valid anywhere from one to three years.

What is CPR/AED Training?

At Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatics, we offer CPR/AED training with all First Aid courses. Sometimes, there are some candidates who only wish to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) training. There are different levels of CPR/AED training in Canada. Those taking the course for their workplace need to ensure they complete the correct level required of them.

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Levels of CPR/AED Training Available in Canada

Students may choose from a few different CPR/AED courses:

CPR/AED level “A”

This is the most basic of the CPR/AED courses available in Canada. The course takes roughly four hours to complete. Once finished, you will earn a certificate which is valid for three years. If you are required to renew this certificate, there are no re-certification courses available in the province of Ontario. You must register for a full course again.

In CPR/AED Level A training, students learn how to perform CPR/AED on adults only as well as assist an adult victim of choking. This course discusses additional topics, too, such as shock, stroke, heart attack and more! Overall, it is a good base course to understand the importance of CPR.

CPR/AED level “B”

CPR/AED level B has recently been phased out in Canada. Previously, this course taught students how to perform CPR/AED on children and infants only. CPR/AED Level B courses typically taught a narrower spectrum of people (such as childcare workers).

CPR/AED level “C”

One of the highest levels of CPR training is CPR/AED level C. It covers CPR/AED and choking for adults, children and infants. This training course takes about six hours to complete and may be re-certified again and again. CPR/AED Level C certificates earned will be valid for three years.

Students will learn all of the same material as those who complete CPR/AED level A training. The only difference is that students will also learn how to provide CPR, use an AED and assist a victim of choking who is any age.

Basic Life Support (BLS-HCP)

The Basic Life Support (BLS-HCP) course is designed for healthcare professionals that work in fast-paced environments. This four-hour course includes high-intensity CPR, training in working as a team, primary assessment and more. Students also learn to use advanced CPR equipment like bag-valve masks and how to administer an AED shock. Basic Life Support certificates are valid for one year.

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Getting AED Certification

Each CPR training course offered by Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatics includes AED training. The use of an AED has been proven to increase the chances of survival for people suffering from cardiac arrest. Although you do not need to be certified to use an AED, it is important to have this knowledge as using an AED can be the difference between life and death.

What is First Aid Training?

First Aid training at Coast2Coast covers minor and major injuries and also always includes CPR/AED training. Students are taught a variety of topics such as techniques for controlling bleeding and how to assess and treat injuries. Understanding how to provide First Aid is an important skill to have!

Depending on the level of First Aid training (Emergency First Aid or Standard First Aid), students are taught many topics. Some topics include how to respond to burns, how to recognize the symptoms of a person with an altered mental status and knowing what to do if someone is experiencing shortness of breath. Students will then be taught how to effectively respond to the issue with the right treatment until help arrives. First Aid & CPR/AED training also includes the administration of emergency medications like an Epi-Pen in the event of a severe allergy.

In addition to the previous topics, First Aid & CPR/AED training includes responding to victims with chest pain and discomfort or how to recognize poisoning and the best response to various toxins, as well as how to handle exposure to environmental emergencies such as heat stroke or hypothermia.

All First Aid & CPR/AED training courses are valid for three years, after which re-certification is required. In Ontario, Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED Level C cannot be re-certified, but Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C can. Please keep in mind that re-certification is not offered by all providers.

Length of first aid courses

Most basic first aid courses take anywhere from 8 to 16 hours to complete. Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C re-certification courses usually take 8 hours to complete.

How Much is First Aid Training in Ontario?

The more advanced a first aid course is, the more it costs. Generally, its cost will also depend on the level of CPR/AED training it includes and where the course is to be taken. How much is first aid training? Basic First Aid and CPR/AED course prices vary between $55 and $165 in Ontario.

Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatics provides training at low, competitive rates to ensure our communities have the opportunity to become First Aid & CPR/AED certified. For our most popular training courses, CPR/AED Level C training typically costs about $69.99+HST whereas Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C training costs $114.99+HST.

There are some training providers who offer online-only courses (which are not WSIB-approved), but the best courses are those that provide trainees with hands-on experience. In order to receive a WSIB-approved certificate, students must attend a course with an in-class training component. 

If you are interested in Advanced First Responder training, it is far more expensive and is suitable for people considering a career as a first responder such as a firefighter, rescue team member or paramedic.

Being Ready to Help

First Aid & CPR/AED training offers the skills and knowledge to help others in difficult situations. Those certified in CPR or First Aid training can help people if they are not feeling well or have been hurt. They can also keep them comfortable and safe until medical help arrives.

By enrolling in a First Aid & CPR/AED training course, students will gain the confidence required to help save a life. If you would like to register, please be sure to check out our locations page and find a training facility near you! We currently offer training in over 15 cities in Ontario! For any questions or information regarding a course, please contact our head office by email ( or toll-free at 866-291-9121.

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