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How to Prevent the Spread of Disease

The outcome and spread of the latest pandemic from the novel coronavirus have once again proven how important it is to prevent the spread of disease.

Bacteria was first discovered in the late 17th century, and viruses were more closely studied in the late 19th century. Scientists have observed these various forms of germs which include: bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. They did not only cause diseases but found ways to spread by using humans and animals as hosts.

Since then, science has come a long way in understanding how these germs spread and mutate. One of the most important things we have learned is there are ways to prevent the spread of disease by taking some very simple, yet effective measures.

Taking Personal Precautions

Personal hygiene is one of the simplest ways we can help prevent the spread of disease and prevent ourselves from getting infectious diseases.

These include:

  • Effective handwashing: Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. This requires the hands to be rubbed together with special attention being paid to the areas between the fingers, under any rings and under the nails.After your hands are washed and rinsed, turn off the faucet with a paper towel. The faucet and sink must never be touched with our clean hands as it may contain bad bacteria. Hands must also be dried with a clean paper towel.

Proper handwashing is one of the first topics taught in our First Aid and CPR training courses. Understanding handwashing techniques is an important aspect in first aid as it decreases the chances of spreading bacteria or diseases to others. It is always recommended to clean your hands prior to assisting someone who requires first aid or CPR.

When to wash hands: Hands should be washed before eating or touching our faces. They should also be washed after contact with another person, especially if they are sick.

  • Hand sanitizing: Using hand sanitizer helps keep our hands free of bacteria when soap and water aren’t accessible. It can also be used as an in-between measure to ensure there are no germs on our hands if we have touched frequently used surfaces. Hand sanitizers are only effective if they are thoroughly rubbed on the front and back of our hands as well as between our fingers. It must be rubbed until the sanitizer is completely dry. Note: Hand sanitizing does not work properly on hands that are visibly soiled.
  • Respiratory Etiquette: Using proper respiratory etiquette is the best way to prevent germs from spreading to others. When we cough, sneeze or blow our nose, we should always use a tissue and discard it straight away. Afterward, we must wash our hands with warm water and soap or sanitize them thoroughly.
  • Physical Distancing: Practicing physical distancing includes staying at home when we are sick. If we have a fever, we should visit our doctor, take the medications as prescribed, and follow their instructions carefully.However, physical distancing can also be implemented in all work situations by working from home or adhering to the distances required in the office and while commuting.
  • Face masks: Face masks are used as a measure to help prevent the spread of germs that are within the air. All people are intended to wear them during these hard times to prevent further spread of COVID-19. For years, they have been used as a courtesy from those who are ill to avoid transmitting their illness to others.

  • Immunizations: Vaccination can help reduce the chances of contracting most diseases. Scientists are racing to find the vaccine for the coronavirus as soon as possible. Other diseases are preventable and all immunizations should be kept up-to-date.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics can help fight many illnesses. They should be taken and completed as directed by your physician.
  • Sharing should always be avoided: Sharing is caring, right? Not in this case. Sharing of belongings should be avoided. This includes items such as: food, utensils, cups, personal items such as lipstick, towels, phones and toys as well as other items that can potentially be contaminated.

Taking Precautions with Equipment

Workplaces are required to have an infection control plan. This should include the provision for keeping hands clean with hand washing facilities along with the availability of alcohol-based hand sanitizers at the entrance and other crucial points of your facility. 

All surfaces need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly, including door handles, stair railings, elevator buttons, counters, desks and chairs. Businesses and offices need to disinfect shared equipment like phones, computers, cash registers, menus, etc.

All of the first aid and CPR courses that we run maintain specific protocol to keep our students safe. Instructors are required to keep the space and equipment disinfected between the use of each student. During the training, all participants must wear a face mask and face shield throughout the entire course. Participants will also be provided with a set of gloves and other necessary equipment for their course. If you’d like to read more about the specific protocol we are implementing, please check our website.

Besides disinfecting all surfaces regularly, it is also suggested that magazines be removed from reception areas and cafeterias because these items are unable to be disinfected properly.

Additionally, if someone in an office or business is suspected or identified as infected, their work area and any other area they visit needs to be disinfected. They would also need to quarantine for 14 days until the symptoms and virus subsides.

Diseases could be easily avoided if we all educate ourselves more on disease prevention and  wear our personal protective equipment (PPE) in places where it is needed. It’s simple to prevent the spread of disease!

Conclusion – Prevent the Spread of Disease

Preventing diseases can be as simple as caring for our personal hygiene. By washing our hands, covering our coughs/sneezes and disinfecting high-touch areas, we can limit and prevent the spread of disease and viruses such as COVID-19.

To learn more about disease prevention, register for a First Aid and CPR training course at one of our Ontario-based facilities! We have multiple locations available for your convenience.

Register for CPR or First Aid Training

Register today for a CPR or First Aid training course at one of our locations across Ontario! Check out our facilities and book your spot now.
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